October Events in Mammoth Lakes

Love mountains, fall colors, and great weather? We’ll just assume that you said yes because we can’t think of a single person who would say no. All that and more is here in Mammoth Lakes this October, but surprisingly October is one of the least busy months in the year for Mammoth. If you want […]

Where to See Fall Colors in Mammoth Lakes

As much as we love summer camping and winter skiing and snowboarding, there’s nothing quite like fall colors in Mammoth Lakes. Thanks to a combination of altitude, weather, and beautiful mountains, Mammoth Lakes has some of the best fall colors in California. Today, the Mammoth Bound team is breaking down when and where to see […]

How to Ski and Snowboard with Children

When you love skiing and snowboarding, you want to share it with the people you love most so that they enjoy it just as much as you do. However, skiing and snowboarding isn’t for everyone, and children can be especially picky about how or even if they like to them. If you’re a parent or […]

Tips For Your First Family Ski Trip

Spending time with your family while being active and exploring beautiful places is something everyone wants. Skiing and snowboarding check all those boxes, but if you’re unfamiliar with the sports and the ski mountains where they happen than you may never feel like trying them out! The Mammoth Bound team is here to change that […]

Our Favorite September Events in Mammoth Lakes

Like beautiful mountains, comfortably warm days, and cool nights that are perfect for a bonfire? Mammoth Lakes in September is the place for you. We have races, events, and festivals listed below so that you can have a blast in Mammoth Lakes before fall arrives. Read all about it, then use Mammoth Bound to find […]

The Best Hiking Snacks

Hiking through the mountains surrounding Mammoth Lakes is an incredible experience that will leave you wanting to see more, but if you don’t have the right hiking snacks then you won’t have the energy to see it all! That’s why the Mammoth Bound team has made a list of the best hiking snacks to bring […]

The Best Spas and Hot Springs in Mammoth Lakes

Enjoying beautiful nature is one of the most relaxing things a person can do, but if relaxing also includes self-care for you then you’ve come to the right place. Mammoth Lakes has plenty of spectacular natural attractions that can help you disconnect from the stress of everyday life, but you can take it a step […]

The Best Mammoth Lakes Events This August

Want to make the most of your summer before the kids go back to school and the weather cools down? Mammoth Lakes is the place to be during August! There is enough beautiful weather, events, and fun for everyone in Mammoth, so we’ve put together a list of the best Mammoth Lakes Events happening this […]

The Best Places to Kayak in Mammoth Lakes

We love every type of activity that lets people get outside and in the beautiful environment we get to call home in Mammoth Lakes. Kayaking stands apart though thanks to just how serene noiselessly gliding along the water can be. Add in a few stunning views of the Eastern Sierra mountains and you’ll see why […]

Campfire Safety Tips for Beginners

Camping should be a fun and relaxing way to experience nature and disconnect from daily stress. However, if you relax too much around a campfire then they can quickly turn dangerous. That’s why the Mammoth Bound team is here to share the best campfire safety tips for beginners. Read all about them below before visiting […]

What to Bring on a Summer Trip to Mammoth Lakes

You’ll never have as many options for things to do outside than you will during summertime in Mammoth Lakes. All those options mean unlimited fun, but they also mean you must be ready for anything when you’re visiting Mammoth Lakes in the summer! That’s why the Mammoth Bound team has put together a short list […]

The Best Waterfalls Near Mammoth Lakes

The Eastern Sierras are full of beautiful views and summits, but there’s nothing quite like hiking to a waterfall. Mammoth Bound is built to help people explore our home of Mammoth Lakes, and there’s nothing we’re prouder of than our home’s spectacular waterfalls. That’s why we’ve list 5 of the best waterfalls near Mammoth Lakes […]

Family Friendly Indoor Activities in Mammoth Lakes

It’s hard to be in Mammoth Lakes and not want to spend time outside, but sometimes the weather doesn’t allow it. However, whether it’s dumping snow or rain, there are still plenty of options for indoor family activities in Mammoth Lakes! The Mammoth Bound team has listed a few of them below so that you […]

The Best Day Trips from Mammoth Lakes

As much as we love Mammoth Lakes, after living and working here we know that there’s more to see in the mountains that surround the town. Mammoth Bound is built around the belief that everyone should experience the beauty of the place we call home. That’s why we’ve listed 5 of the best day trips […]

5 Things to See in Mammoth Lakes

It can be stressful choosing between seeing the mountains, water, and trails of Mammoth Lakes. People don’t visit Mammoth Lakes to be stressed though, so the Mammoth Bound team has put together a quick list of the top 5 things to see in Mammoth Lakes! Whether you’re a family visiting Mammoth for the first time […]

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